A chronology of the main events that happened 1509 – 1510 during the reign of King Henry VIII showing dates, events and details.
Events are coded:
Births, Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths
Trials, Imprisonments and Executions
Wars, Battles and Rebellions
Education, Art, Travel and Culture
Property and Possessions
Titles and Appointments
Acts of Parliament
Treaties and oaths
Church and Religion
Births, Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths

Trials, Imprisonments and Executions

Wars, Battles and Rebellions

Education, Art, Travel and Culture

Property and Possessions

Titles and Appointments

Acts of Parliament

Treaties and oaths

Church and Religion

21st April 1509
Henry VII Died
After a long illness, King Henry VII, aged 52 years, died from tuberculosis at Richmond Palace.
21st April 1509
Henry VIII became king
Prince Henry succeeded his father as King Henry VIII.
22nd April 1509
Henry VIII’s Character
Henry VIII was financially secure – his father had left around 1 million pounds in the treasury. The new King modelled himself on his predecessor Henry V and swore to continue Henry V’s war with France.
23rd April 1509
Empson, Dudley and Stafford imprisoned
To gain popularity and to show the people that he would be a different ruler to his father Henry imprisoned his father’s financial advisers, Edmund Dudley, Richard Empson and Henry Stafford for imposing a tyranny of taxation on England.
25th April 1509
Prisoners freed
As was the custom on the accession of new monarchs, Henry VIII freed all prisoners except those accused of serious crimes or murder.
late April 1509
New Council formed
Henry’s grandmother, Margaret Beaufort, took control and formed a new council. Members of the council included Thomas Howard, Thomas Ruthall, Thomas Lovell, William Wareham Archbishop of Canterbury, Henry Marnay and Richard Fox. Thomas Ruthall retained his postion as King’s secretary while Thomas Lovell was appointed Treasurer of the Chamber. Henry Marnay became Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Captain of the Yeomen of the Guard.
after April 1509
King Henry VIII lifestyle
As King, Henry took no part in the government of the country and would only attend to necessary state matters at a time that suited him, generally after he had hunted or played sport.
May 1509
Two new ships for the navy
At the time of his accession the Tudor navy consisted of just seven ships. Two of these were the formidable carracks ‘The Regent’ and ‘The Sovereign’ both modelled on French ships but the others were much smaller vessels. Henry knew that he would need a greater navy if he were to conquer France and ordered plans to be drawn up for two new ships, ‘The Mary Rose’ and the ‘Peter Pomegranate’.
11th May 1509
Funeral of King Henry VII
King Henry VII was buried in Westminster Abbey. John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester led the service. Afterwards he was buried next to his wife, Elizabeth of York, in the King Henry VII Chapel in the Abbey.
early June 1509
King Henry proposed to Catherine of Aragon
Henry visited Catherine of Aragon in her private chambers and proposed to her. He had been urged to marry Catherine by members of his Privy Council to preserve the treaty with Spain. The marriage would also secure the release of the remainder of Catherine’s dowry.
11th June 1509
Henry VIII married Catherine of Aragon
Henry VIII married Catherine of Aragon in the church of Greenwich Palace. The service was performed in private, by the Archbishop of Canterbury, William Warham. The wedding was a low-key affair because the court remained in mourning following the death of Henry VII.
23rd June 1509
Henry and Catherine to the Tower of London
Henry and Catherine took part in a special Coronation procession as they made their way to the Tower of London to await their coronation. Henry wore a cloth of gold tunic with a red velvet robe. Catherine wore an embroidered gown of white satin and a coronet of rich stones on her head.
23rd June 1509
Knights of the Order of the Bath
To mark the coronation, Henry created 24 new Knights of the Order of the Bath.
24th June 1509
King Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon rode in procession from the Tower of London to Westminster Abbey. Henry rode on horseback while Catherine travelled in a litter covered in cloth of gold. Henry was crowned King Henry VIII and Catherine was crowned Queen consort at Westminster Abbey. Henry sat in Edward I’s coronation chair to receive the crown of Edward the Confessor. The service was conducted by William Warham, Archbishop of Canterbury. After the ceremony a coronation banquet was held at Westminster Hall. The streets of London were decorated with tapestries and cloth of gold and food and drink were set out on trestle tables for the people.
29th June 1509
Margaret Beaufort died
Henry’s grandmother, Margaret Beaufort, died. Before she died she told Henry to listen to the advice of John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester.
late June 1509
Linacre Royal Physician
Thomas Linacre was appointed Royal Physician.
late June 1509
Edmund Dudley trial
Edmund Dudley was tried for treason at the Guildhall in London. He put up a good defence stating that he had only acted on the orders of his king but he was found guilty and sentenced to be hung drawn and quartered. He was returned to the Tower of London to await his execution.
August 1509
Catherine of Aragon pregnant
Catherine of Aragon announced that she was pregnant.
August 1509
Henry and Catherine embarked on a Progress
To avoid an outbreak of plague in London, Henry and Catherine left on a progress. They visited Hamworth, Sunninghill, Woking, Farham, Esher, Enfield and Waltham.
late Summer 1509
William Blount, Lord Mountjoy, invited the Humanist reformer, Erasmus, to England. He told him that the old regime was over and that England was full of promise for young men of learning.
September 1509
Henry and Catherine returned to London
king Henry and Catherine of Aragon returned to London. They stayed at Richmond Palace.
October 1509
Richard Empson trial
Richard Empson was tried for treason at Northampton. He was found guilty and sentenced to be hung drawn and quartered.
November 1509
Thomas Wolsey King’s Almoner
Henry VIII appointed Thomas Wolsey as King’s almoner.
November 1509
Catherine Pregnancy
Catherine felt her baby move for the first time.
9th November 1509
Perpetual Peace with Scotland
Henry VIII renewed this 1502 peace treaty with King James IV of Scotland. A new clause was added to the treaty which promised excommunication by the Pope if either king broke any of the clauses in the treaty.
during 1510
Band of Pensioners
Henry established the Band of Pensioners, sometimes referred to as the Band of Spears. This military guard was based on the French Company of One Hundred Gentlemen of the King’s House. The Pensioners were higher in rank and more heavily armed than the Yeoman of the Guard and cost a great deal of money to maintain.
during 1510
The Mary Rose and The Peter Pomegranate
Construction began on the two new ships ordered in 1509. The Mary Rose (600 tons) and the Peter Pomegranate (400 tons) were the first ships to have side firing guns located below the main deck.
1st January 1510
New Year’s Day
It was the custom for the King and courtiers to exchange gifts on New Year’s Day. Henry gave Catherine a beautifully illuminated missal (a book containing the Roman Catholic Service of Mass for one year).
6th January 1510
Twelfth Night
A jousting tournament was held to celebrate Twelfth Night. Henry had been advised not to take part in jousts, due to the danger and lack of heir to the throne. However, he decided he could stay away no longer and took part heavily disguised. The ‘unknown knight’ showed great skill and when he was revealed as the King was cheered and applauded. Henry regulary took part in jousts from this point.
23rd January 1510
Speaker of the Commons
Thomas Englefield became Speaker of the Commons.
31st January 1510
Stillborn Daughter
Catherine was prematurely delivered of a stillborn daughter. Although Henry and Catherine were disappointed, miscarriage and stillbirth in a first pregnancy was a common occurrence in the sixteenth century.
23rd March 1510
Peace with France
Henry renewed the peace with France which had been signed by his father. The peace was extended for a further year.
April 1510
Friendship with the Pope
The Pope sent Henry VIII a golden rose as an act of friendship.
April 1510
Thomas Wolsey Appointments
Thomas Wolsey became a Knight of the Garter and a member of the privy council
May 1510
Catherine of Aragon Pregnancy
Catherine announced a second pregnancy.
May 1510
Henry VIII affair with Anne, Lady Hastings
It was rumoured that Henry was actively pursuing Anne, Lady Hastings, wife of Lord Hastings, sister of the Duke of Buckingham. In medieval times it was normal for the nobility to take a mistress when their wives were pregnant. Lady Anne’s sister, Lady Fitzwalter, had heard the rumour and told the Duke of Buckingham who told Lord Hastings. Hastings duly removed his wife from court and placed her in a convent. Henry was furious and ordered Catherine to dismiss Lady Fitzwalter for spying. Catherine was upset to hear of the affair.
24th May 1510
Peace with Spain
A peace treaty was agreed with Ferdinand of Spain.
10th July 1510
Thomas Howard Appointments
Henry created Thomas Howard, Earl of Surrey, Earl Marshall
15th August 1510
Empson and Dudley Executed
After Edmund Dudley made an unsuccessful attempt to escape from the Tower of London, Henry ordered that the sentence passed on both Dudley and Richard Empson be carried out. Both men were executed by beheading.
31st December 1510
Catherine went into labour
Catherine of Aragon went into labour.
Published Feb 17, 2021 @ 12:50 pm – Updated – Dec 7 2024
Harvard Reference for this page:
Heather Y Wheeler. (2021 – 2025). Henry VIII Chronology – What Happened 1509 – 1510? Available: https://www.tudornation.com/henry-viii-chronology-1509-1510 Last accessed January 26th, 2025