Henry VII Chronology – What Happened 1507-1509?

King Henry VII 1507 

A chronology of the main events that happened 1507 – 1509 during the reign of King Henry VII showing dates, events and details.

Events are coded:
 Births, Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths births marriages and deaths
Trials, Imprisonments and Executions trials and executions 
Wars, Battles and Rebellions Conflicts
Education, Art, Travel and Culture Culture
Property and Possessions Property and Possessions
Titles and Appointments Titles
Acts of Parliament Acts of Parliament
Treaties and oaths treaties
Church and Religion Religion


during 1507
Magnus Intercursus Renewed
This trade agreement between England and the Netherlands, first drawn up in 1496, was renewed. The clause regarding no tariffs on cloth, which had been added in 1506, was omitted from this new treaty.
Richard Nanfan died
Richard Nanfan, former Governor of Calais, died.
during 1507
Thomas Wolsey Chaplain to Richard Fox
Wolsey was appointed chaplain to Richard Fox, Bishop of Winchester, who was the King’s Lord Privy Seal.
during 1507
Book of Rates
The Book of Rates was a list of customs duties to be paid in London. Henry VII now updated the rates.
early 1507
Fray Diego Fernandez Catherine of Aragon’s Confessor
Father Fray Diego Fernandez, a member of the Observant Franciscan Monks, arrived in England. He had been appointed Catherine of Aragon’s new confessor.
Spring 1507
Henry VII ill
King Henry VII was taken ill and it was feared that he would die, but he eventually recovered.
March 1507
Catherine of Aragon’s Dowry
Henry VII wrote to Ferdinand of Aragon that the second part of Catherine’s dowry needed to be paid within six months.
April 1507
Catherine of Aragon Financial Situation
Catherine wrote to her father stating that her situation was dreadful and that she and those servants that had remained with her were running out of clothing.
18th May 1507
Catherine Spanish Ambassador
Ferdinand appointed Catherine as Spanish Ambassador until a replacement for de Puebla, who was sick, could be found. Catherine found she was treated with much more respect as Ambassador.
June 1507
Henry VII Loan to Philip of Castile
Tournaments were held to celebrate Prince Henry’s 16th birthday. The young prince enjoyed showing off his skill at jousting.
Summer 1507
Catherine of Aragon Situation
Ferdinand of Aragon sent Catherine 2,000 ducats but the money was not enough. Over the years since Arthur’s death in 1502, Catherine had been forced to pawn many pieces of jewel and plate which formed part of her dowry. She had also found it increasingly difficult to obtain loans and those that did loan her money charged very high rates of interest. The money sent by her father barely covered her debts and servant’s wages.
October 1507
Catherine of Aragon Dowry
Henry VII did not want to have to repay the first instalment of Catherine’s dowry so he extended the deadline for the final payment to March 1508.
December 1507
Triple Marriage Treaty
King Henry began negotiations for a triple marriage alliance with Maximilian I. Princess Mary would marry Maximilian’s grandson and heir, Charles, Prince Henry would marry Maximilian’s granddaughter, Eleanor, while Henry would marry his daughter, Margaret of Savoy.
December 1507
Catherine of Aragon Dowry
Ferdinand wrote to Henry stating that he was trying to raise the money to pay the second part of Catherine’s dowry and promised to deliver it to England by March 1508.
21st December 1507
Princess Mary Betrothed
Henry VII’s daughter, Mary, was betrothed to Maximilian’s grandson, Charles. It was agreed that they would marry when Charles was 15 years old.
during 1508
Archbishop of York
Christopher Bainbridge was appointed Archbishop of York.
during 1508
Master of the Rolls
John Yonge was appointed Master of the Rolls.
early 1508
Jane Seymour Born.
Jane Seymour was born to Sir John and Lady Margaret Seymour at Wolf Hall.
2nd February 1508
Wolsey Dean of Lincoln Cathedral
Thomas Wolsey was appointed Dean of Lincoln Cathedral.
February 1508
King Henry VII Ill
Henry VII was taken ill and was confined to bed for a period of time.
8th February 1508
Wolsey Prebendary of Lincoln
Thomas Wolsey was appointed Prebendary of Lincoln.
22nd February 1508
New Spanish Ambassador
Don de Fuensalida arrived in England as the new Spanish ambassador. He brought with him a bill of exchange to pay the remaining 65,000 ducats of Catherine’s dowry. As she was no longer the ambassador, Catherine lost the respect she had gained while in the position. King Henry initially refused the see Fuensalida but eventually granted him a short interview. He questioned the whereabouts of the jewels and plate that were to form part of the dowry. When Fuensalida replied that Catherine had them in her position, Henry told him that they had become his own property on the death of his son and could not form part of the payment. He therefore considered the second part of her dowry unpaid.
March 1508
Triple Marriage Alliance
Henry continued the discussions, which had begun in December 1507 for a triple marriage alliance with Maximilian I. However, during discussions it became clear that the marriage of Henry to Margaret of Savoy would not go ahead.
21st June 1508
Fuensalida upset Henry Vii
During a meeting with the King, the Spanish ambassador, Fuensalida, told Henry that he was bound by treaty to marry Prince Henry to Catherine of Aragon. Henry was furious and dismissed the ambassador stating that his son was free to marry where he chose.
early Summer 1508
Prince Henry Marriage
Negotiations for the marriage of Prince Henry to Maximilian’s granddaughter, Eleanor, broke down.
July 1508
Henry VII Unwell
King Henry VII was taken seriously ill. He had always been thin but was now very thin and gaunt. He also had a hacking cough and could not walk unaided.
late Summer 1508
Catherine of Aragon’s situation
Ferdinand of Aragon wrote to Henry VII demanding that either his daughter be married to Prince Henry or she be sent back to Spain. Henry was very angry and cut off Catherine’s small allowance.
September 1508
Catherine of Aragon’s situation
Fuensalida wrote to Ferdinand of Spain requesting that he send a ship to the River Thames so that he and Catherine could return to Spain.
November 1508
Thomas Wolsey Almoner
Thomas Wolsey was appointed Almoner to the King.
during 1509
St Paul’s School
St Paul’s School was founded by John Colet, Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral and spiritual adviser to Thomas More. The new school housed 153 boys and 3 masters. The Worshipful Company of Mercers, of which both Colet and More were members, was chosen to govern the school. William Lily, a layman and humanist, was chosen as head master.
during 1509
Secretary to Cardinal Bainbridge
Richard Pace was appointed secretary to Cardinal Bainbridge who had recently taken up the position of English ambassador in Rome.
during 1509
Warden of the West March
Lord Thomas Dacre was appointed Warden of the West March. His duties included organising government missions to the court of King James IV and keeping the English government informed of the situation in Scotland.
during 1509
North-West Passage
John Cabot’s son, Sebastian, was given financial backing by the Bristol Merchants for an expedition to try and find a north-west passage that would make an easy route around the New Found Land to the shores of Cathay (China). The expedition was abandoned after they encountered ice and the crew refused to continue the journey.
early 1509
Marriage Treaty
Ferdinand of Aragon wrote to King Henry stating that he would support the marriage of Princess Mary to his grandson Charles providing Prince Henry marry his daughter Catherine of Aragon.
January 1509
Marriage of Prince Henry and Catherine of Aragon
A deputation of the nobility had an audience with the King. They knew that Henry VII was very sick and wanted to avoid problems with the succession. They urged the King to allow the marriage of Prince Henry and Catherine of Aragon to go ahead.
March 1509
Fray Diego Scandal
The Spanish ambassador, Don Fuensalida, advised Catherine to dismiss her confessor, Fray Diego, after it emerged that the priest was becoming known as a womaniser.
24th March 1509
Henry VII Ill
King Henry VII collapsed and had to be taken to his bed.
late March 1509
Henry VII Ill
King Henry VII summoned his chaplains, Thomas Wolsey and John Fisher to his bedside. Wolsey was paid to say 8,000 masses and Fisher 2,000 masses at six pence per mass.
31st March 1509
Henry VII Made His Will
King Henry VII dictated his will.
April 1509
Catherine of Aragon’s Dowry
A new Spanish ambassador, Don Luis Caroz, arrived in England. He informed the King that the final instalment of Catherine’s dowry was ready and that payment would be made as soon as the wedding arrangements were finalised.
20th April 1509
Henry VII Illness
Prince Henry was summoned to his father’s bedside.
21st April 1509
Henry VII Died
After a long illness, King Henry VII, aged 52 years, died from tuberculosis at Richmond Palace.


Published May 23, 2020 @ 3:54 pm – Updated – [last-modified]

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2017 – 2024). Henry VII Chronology – What Happened 1507 – 1509? Available: https://www.tudornation.com/henry-vii-chronology-1507-1509 Last accessed [date]