Henry VII Chronology – What Happened 1505-1506?

King Henry VII 1505 - 1506 

A chronology of the main events that happened 1505 – 1506 during the reign of King VII showing dates, events and details.

Events are coded:
 Births, Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths births marriages and deaths
Trials, Imprisonments and Executions trials and executions 
Wars, Battles and Rebellions Conflicts
Education, Art, Travel and Culture Culture
Property and Possessions Property and Possessions
Titles and Appointments Titles
Acts of Parliament Acts of Parliament
Treaties and oaths treaties
Church and Religion Religion


1505 during
Henry VII Remarriage
Henry sent an embassy to Spain to report on the widowed Queen Joanna of Naples. They were given a list of 24 points regarding her physical appearance that were to be satisfied. A portrait was also commissioned.
1505 during
Thomas More Marriage
Thomas More married Jane Colt. The couple settled in Bucklersbury London.
1505 during
Hever Castle
The Boleyn family moved to Hever Castle which Thomas Boleyn had inherited from his father.
1505 during
Sebastian Cabot, son of John Cabot, returned from a voyage to the New Found Land and brought back a quantity of fish.
John Colet Dean of St Paul’s
John Colet was appointed Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral. Colet believed in the simplicity of Christianity. He believed that the epistles were genuine letters and that the story of the creation had been invented by Moses to explain man’s creation to his people.
January 1505
Prince Henry and Catherine of Aragon Marriage
The second part of Catherine of Aragon’s dowry remained unpaid. Henry VII was also concerned that Spain was not as strong as it was before and was having second thoughts about a marriage between Prince Henry and Catherine.
February 1505
Catherine of Aragon financial difficulties
Catherine of Aragon now had no money of her own and was unable to pay her servants. The Spanish ambassador, Dr De Puebla, wrote to Ferdinand of Aragon to seek his advice.
March 1505
Henry VII Remarriage
Negotiations began for a possible marriage between Henry VII and Margaret of Savoy.
March 1505
Prince Henry and Catherine of Aragon Marriage
The Pope’s envoy, Silvestro de Gigli, brought a dispensation from the Pope allowing the marriage of Prince Henry and Catherine of Aragon to go ahead.
April 1505
Henry VII Loan to Philip of Castile
After the death of Isabella of Castile in 1504, Ferdinand had taken control of the region rather than allow it to pass to Isabella’s heir, her daughter Juanna. Henry made a loan of £108,000 to Philip of Castile, husband of Juanna, to help him pursue his wife’s claim to the throne of Castile.
April 1505
Erasmus returned to England
The humanist scholar, Erasmus, returned to England from the continent. He became very friendly with Thomas More.
June 1505
Henry VII Remarriage
The embassy that had been sent to Spain to report on the suitability of Joanna of Naples as a bride for Henry VII, returned to England. Although they spoke favourably of the young widow, they also reported that she had no wealth of her own. Henry was cross that he had not been given this information earlier and abandoned all thoughts of this marriage.
27th June 1505
Prince Henry marriage to Catherine of Aragon
On his father’s orders, Prince Henry made a secret but formal protest against marriage to his brother’s widow. The protest was made in the presence of Richard Foxe, Bishop of Winchester, the Lord Privy Seal and other members of the Privy Council. The protest took place in the east wing of Richmond Palace. The young prince stated that the treaty had been made when he was a minor and as such was null and void. Despite the protest, Henry VII did not formally break the treaty as he did not want to lose the first instalment of Catherine’s dowry which had been paid after her marriage to Henry’s brother, Arthur.
late June 1505
Catherine of Aragon Finances
The Spanish ambassador, Dr De Puebla, received word from Catherine’s father, Ferdinand of Aragon, stating that Catherine’s welfare was the responsibility of King Henry VII. De Puebla was told to ask Henry to help Catherine however, the ambassador was concerned about his own standing in England and decided not to speak to Henry for fear of antagonising him. Court etiquette prevented Catherine from asking her father-in-law for money.
early Autumn 1505
Dona Elvira dismissed
Catherine of Aragon’s duenna was dismissed after it was revealed that she had been working to further her own interests rather than those of Catherine.
November 1505
Catherine of Aragon’s situation
Since the dismissal of her duenna, Catherine had been mistress of Durham House where she was living. However, she had no money with which to run a household. Dr De Puebla spoke to Henry who replied that Catherine should dismiss some of her servants and move to court.
late December 1505
Catherine of Aragon’s situation
Catherine wrote to her father, Ferdinand of Aragon, begging him to do something about her financial situation. She also asked for De Puebla to be replaced since he did little to help her.
1506 during
Sir Richard Nanfan Retired
Richard Nanfan retired as Governor of Calais. He recommended his chaplain, Thomas Wolsey, to the King.
1506 during
Closure of the Stews
King Henry VII ordered that the notorious Stews be closed after increasing levels of syphilis were reported.
15th January 1506
Philip of Burgundy was shipwrecked off Weymouth
Philip of Burgundy and his wife, Juanna, were shipwrecked off the coast of Weymouth. Messengers were sent to inform the King.
31st January 1506
Henry VII met with Philip of Burgundy
Henry and Philip met at Windsor to discuss terms for a new peace treaty. Catherine of Aragon was disappointed that her sister Juana had not accompanied Philip to Windsor.
February 1506
Festivities for Philip of Burgundy
Catherine of Aragon had been provided with new clothes to wear for the festivities held to honour Philip of Burgundy. All meetings between Catherine and her brother-in-law were closely supervised by Henry VII to make sure that Catherine had no opportunity to complain about her treatment in England. Catherine did meet her sister, Juana, but her sister was so obsessed with her husband’s infidelities that she had no time for Catherine.
9th February 1506
Treaty of Windsor
This secret treaty between Henry VII and Philip of Burgundy was concluded. Both parties agreed to ally themselves unconditionally. Henry agreed to allow Philip free passage through the English Channel so that he could easily travel between Spain and the Netherlands. Philip was installed as a Knight of the Garter.
15th February 1506
Possible Marriage Treaty
Henry VII and Philip of Burgundy discussed the possibility of marriages between Prince Henry and Philip’s daughter, Eleanor, between Princess Mary and Philip’s son, Charles and between Henry VII and Margaret of Savoy.
Late February 1506
Ferdinand told of Treaty of Windsor
The Spanish ambassador, de Puebla, learned of the Treaty of Windsor and informed Ferdinand of Spain that Henry had betrayed him.
20th March 1506
Henry VII and Margaret of Savoy
Philip of Burgundy gave his formal assent for the marriage of his sister, Margaret of Savoy, to King Henry VII of England. He agreed that she would bring a dowry of 300,000 crowns.
24th March 1506
Edmund de la Pole handed to the English
Philip of Burgundy had arranged for Edmund de la Pole, Duke of Suffolk, to be handed over to the English authorities in Calais. He was now imprisoned in the Tower of London.
Late March 1506
Henry VII and Margaret of Savoy
Margaret of Savoy stated that she would never marry the King of England who was old enough to be her father.
26th April 1506
Philip of Burgundy left England
Philip of Burgundy and his wife, Juana, left England and returned to Spain.
30th April 1506
Commercial Treaty with the Netherlands
The ongoing trade dispute with the Netherlands was settled with this treaty. It was well-received by all those involved in the process of cloth making for it meant that cloth could now be imported without incurring extra tariffs.
Summer 1506
Catherine of Aragon Situation
Catherine now had no money to pay her servants. She again wrote to her father telling him that if something was not done, she ahd her household would be on the streets. She suffered with anxiety and recurrent bouts of fever.
July 1506
King Henry VII Remarriage
Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor, complained that ambassadors had not been sent to conclude arrangements for the marriage of Henry to his daughter, Margaret of Savoy.
25th September 1506
Philip of Burgundy
Philip of Burgundy died. His wife, Juana, who was Catherine of Aragon’s sister, refused to accept he had died and would not allow the funeral to go ahead.
Autumn 1506
Catherine of Aragon and Prince Henry
Catherine and Henry spent time together and found they had much in common. When Henry VII discovered they had become close he sent Catherine to live at Fulham Palace.


Published May 23, 2020 @ 11:08 am – Updated – [last-modified]

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2020 – 2024). Henry VII Chronology – What Happened 1505 – 1506? Available: https://www.tudornation.com/henry-vii-chronology-1505-1506 Last accessed [date]