A chronology of the main events that happened 1499 – 1500 during the reign of King Henry VII showing dates, events and details.
Events are coded:
Births, Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths
Trials, Imprisonments and Executions
Wars, Battles and Rebellions
Education, Art, Travel and Culture
Property and Possessions
Titles and Appointments
Acts of Parliament
Treaties and oaths
Church and Religion
Births, Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths

Trials, Imprisonments and Executions

Wars, Battles and Rebellions

Education, Art, Travel and Culture

Property and Possessions

Titles and Appointments

Acts of Parliament

Treaties and oaths

Church and Religion

Margaret of Burgundy Apology
Margaret of Burgundy sent an official apology to Henry VII for supporting Perkin Warbeck.
early 1499
Prince Henry Public Duty
Prince Henry aged seven years performed his first public duty when he attended a meeting of the City of London Trade Guilds.
12th February 1499
Ralph Wulford Executed
Ralph Wulford, a new pretender to the throne, who claimed to be the imprisoned Earl of Warwick had been quickly captured and sentenced to death.
21st February 1499
Birth of Prince Edmund
A son, Edmund, was born to King Henry VII and Elizabeth of York at Greenwich Palace.
May 1499
England and Burgundy
A conference held at Calais between Henry VII and Philip of Burgundy settled some of the differences that had arisen following the breakdown of Magnus Intercursus (1496)
19th May 1499
Prince Arthur and Catherine of Aragon
The marriage of Prince Arthur and Catherine of Aragon took place at Prince Arthur’s manor house at Bewdley. The Spanish ambassador stood as proxy for Catherine.
Summer 1499
The Humanist, Desiderius Erasmus, arrived in England. He was introduced to Thomas More by John Colet.
Summer 1499
Claimants to the Throne
Catherine of Aragon’s father, Ferdinand, expressed concern that his daughter Catherine may not ever become Queen while other claimants to the throne remained alive.
Summer 1499
Edmund de la Pole Fled to Calais
Edmund de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk, eldest surviving son of Edward IV’s sister, Elizabeth, fled to Calais. The move was prompted by Ferdinand of Aragon’s expression of concern regarding his daughter becoming Queen of England while other claimants remained alive.
July 1499
Scottish Marriage Alliance
A treaty was concluded with Scotland. It provided for peace between the two countries to last for the lifetime of both Kings. It was to be sealed with the marriage of Princess Margaret to James IV of Scotland.
10th July 1499
England and Spain Alliance
This treaty, signed by England and Spain, was an accompaniment to the marriage of Prince Arthur and Catherine of Aragon.
late Summer 1499
Erasmus met the Royal children
The Humanist, Erasmus and Thomas More shared a midday meal with the royal children.
early November 1499
Warwick and Warbeck Plot
While in prison, Perkin Warbeck exchanged letters with the Earl of Warwick, son of Edward IV’s brother George. They plotted to escape and overthrown Henry VII.
23rd November 1499
Perkin Warbeck executed
The pretender Perkin Warbeck was hanged at Tyburn.
28th November 1499
Warwick executed
Edward, Earl of Warwick, son of Edward IV’s younger brother George, was beheaded for plotting to depose the King.
Thomas Ruthall King’s Secretary
Thomas Ruthall became Henry VII’s secretary.
Erasmus left England
The Humanist preacher, Erasmus, left England.
3rd March 1500
Reginald Pole
A son, Reginald, was born to Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury, daughter of Edward IV’s brother George, and Sir Richard Pole. He would become a Cardinal and fierce opponent to Henry VIII’s reformation.
Spring 1500
Thomas Wolsey Oxford University
Thomas Wolsey became senior bursar of Magdalen College, Oxford.
9th June 1500
Henry VII and Philip of Burgundy
Henry VII sailed to Calais for a meeting with Philip of Burgundy. Henry hoped to convince Philip that England was at peace and the advent of the Tudor dynasty had settled the differences between the Lancastrians and Yorkists.
after 9th June 1500
Ferdinand kept Catherine in Spain
Ferdinand of Aragon had learned of the meeting of Henry VII with Philip of Burgundy and was concerned that Henry was about to abandon the treaty with Spain and make a new marriage for Prince Arthur with Burgundy. He delayed sending Catherine to England until he was sure the marriage would go ahead.
19th June 1500
Prince Edmund died
Henry VII’s third son, Edmund, died at the Old Palace, Hatfield, Hertfordshire
28th July 1500
Scottish Marriage dispensation
Henry VII was confident that the marriage alliance with Scotland would go ahead and so obtained the necessary dispensation from the Pope. The dispensation was necessary because Margaret and James were fourth cousins both being descendants of John Beaufort.
15th September 1500
John Morton died
John Morton, Archbishop of Canterbury, died.
October 1500
Thomas Wolsey sacked from Oxford
Thomas Wolsey was asked to resign his position as Bursar of Magdalen College, Oxford because he had spent huge amounts of the college’s money on building the Tower of Magdalen.
Published 2020 – Updated – Nov 25 2024
Harvard Reference for this page:
Heather Y Wheeler. (2020 – 2025). Henry VII Chronology – What Happened 1499 – 1500? Available: https://www.tudornation.com/henry-vii-chronology-1499-1500 Last accessed February 17th, 2025