Henry VIII Chronology – What Happened in 1514?

King Henry VIII - 1514 Chronology

A detailed chronology of the main events that happened in 1514 during the reign of King Henry VIII, showing dates, events and details

Events are coded:
 Births, Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths births marriages and deaths
Trials, Imprisonments and Executions trials and executions 
Wars, Battles and Rebellions Conflicts
Education, Art, Travel and Culture Culture
Property and Possessions Property and Possessions
Titles and Appointments Titles
Acts of Parliament Acts of Parliament
Treaties and oaths treaties
Church and Religion Religion


during 1514
Earl of Worcester
Charles Somerset, the bastard son of Henry Beaufort, became Earl of Worcester
during 1514
Dean of York
John Yong was appointed Dean of York Minster.
during 1514
Thomas Cromwell entered Wolsey’s service.
Thomas Cromwell, aged around 19 years, entered Thomas Wolsey’s service.
during 1514
George Boleyn became royal page
Thomas Boleyn secured a place for his son, George, as a page in the royal chamber.
during 1514
The Tudor Navy
A new ship, ‘The Princess Mary’, nicknamed ‘The Great Galley’ was launched. The Tudor Navy now included 31 ships.
during 1514
Call for Church Reform
John Taylor, Procurator of Convocation, made a speech calling for reform. He voiced concerns that churchmen spent too much time quarrelling, that monks were too arrogant and idle and that priests led dissolute lives and committed crimes.
February 1514
Petition to make Wolsey a Cardinal
Henry VIII instructed papal emissary, Polydore Virgil, to request an audience with the Pope and to convey the King of England’s wish to see Thomas Wolsey promoted to Cardinal.
2nd February 1514
New Peers created as part of the Candlemas celebration
Thomas Howard, Earl of Surrey, became Duke of Norfolk while his son became Earl of Surrey. Charles Brandon was created Duke of Suffolk. Margaret Pole became Countess of Salisbury and Arthur Plantagenet was created Viscount Lisle.
6th February 1514
Wolsey became Bishop of Lincoln
Thomas Wolsey was created Bishop of Lincoln.
March 1514
Maximillian broke with England
Holy Roman Emperor, Maximillian, joined the truce of Ferdinand of Spain and Louis XII of France. The Council of Flanders also refused to accept Henry’s sister, Mary, as a bride for Maximillian’s son, Charles.
April 1514
Peace with France
Having learned of Maximillian’s actions, Henry began negotiating a peace with France. He offered Louis, aged 52, the hand of his widowed sister, Margaret Tudor, however, Louis would only agree terms if he was offered Henry’s younger sister, Mary.
30th April 1514
Birth of Alexander Duke of Ross
Henry VIII’s widowed sister, Margaret, gave birth to a son, Alexander. He was created Duke of Ross.
May 1514
English clergy to resist lay interference
Pope Leo X issued a decree stating that lay men had not jurisdiction over churchmen. He issued a Papal Bull directing English clergymen to resist lay interference in church affairs.
May 1514
Peace with France
Arrangements for Mary’s marriage to King Louis XII had begun. Mary did not want to marry the aged King. She had been betrothed many times and hoped that this arrangement would go the way of the others. She was in love with Henry’s friend Charles Brandon and hoped that they would be able to marry.
June 1514
Catherine Pregnant
Catherine of Aragon announced her fourth pregnancy.
Summer 1514
Thomas Wolsey Administrator of Tournai
Thomas Wolsey, who had been made Bishop of Tournai following Henry’s conquest of the town in 1513, was now appointed administrator of the see of Tournai. His appointment was opposed by the citizens of Tournai, the French and Rome.
July 1514
Wolsey Cardinal request
Henry wrote to the Pope requesting that Thomas Wolsey be created a Cardinal. Although a sum of money was negotiated as annates for Wolsey’s upcoming appointment as Archbishop of York, and duly paid, Wolsey’s appointment as Cardinal was not forthcoming.
9th July 1514
Anglo-French Treaty
King Louis XII agreed the terms of this treaty which had been negotiated by the General of Normandy, the Duke of Suffolk and Thomas Wolsey. The French King agreed to increase by one million, the 750,000 crowns already owed to England, with payments being made at six-monthly intervals. The treaty was to be sealed with the marriage of Henry’s sister Mary.
August 1514
Mary Boleyn Maid of Honour
Thomas Boleyn secured a place for his daughter Mary to be Maid of Honour to Princess Mary.
5th August 1514
Wolsey Archbishop of York
Thomas Wolsey was created Archbishop of York. His appointment came with the London residence of York place.
6th August 1514
Margaret Tudor married Archibald Douglas
Henry’s widowed sister, Margaret Tudor, married the 19 year old Earl of Angus, Archibald Douglas. Although the marriage gained her the support of the powerful Douglas family, she lost the support of many other Scottish nobles who felt that, by marrying, she had automatically forfeited her right to be regent for her son.
7th August 1514
Anglo-French Marriage Treaty
This treaty detailed the terms of the marriage of Louis XII and Princess Mary of England. Louis agreed to pay half of Mary’s travelling expenses and half the cost of the wedding. He also agreed to give Mary all lands owned by his late wife, Anne of Brittany and all of her jewels.
10th August 1514
Anglo-French Peace Treaty
This treaty detailed the terms of a peace between the two countries. Each country agreed to return any prisoners of the other country. They also agreed mutual support in the event of either being at war. Therouanne would be returned to France and the English would be given trading privileges. The French also agreed to prevent John Stewart, Duke of Albany, from leaving France to stop him taking control of the Scottish regency from Henry’s sister Margaret.
13th August 1514
Mary Tudor and Louis XII married by proxy
Mary Tudor and Louis XII were married by proxy with ceremonies taking place in London and Paris. In London, the Duke of Longueville stood as proxy for the French kiing while in Paris the Earl of Worcester stood as proxy for Mary.
early October 1514
Mary travelled to France
Princess Mary began her journey to France. Wolsey had organised a grand procession from London to Dover. It was a windy October day when Mary said farewell to her brother on the quayside. Although she had resigned herself to the marriage, Mary was still not happy about it. She was accompanied by a number of English noblemen as well as her newly appointed ladies.
9th October 1514
Marriage of Mary Tudor to Louis XII of France
King Louis XII of France and Princess Mary Tudor were married at Abbeville, France. The marriage was followed by feasting and tournaments.
late October 1514
Charles Brandon to France
Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk and the Marquis of Dorset were sent to France to begin planning a mission to recover Navarre for France.
late October 1514
Anne Boleyn to France
Thomas Boleyn removed his daughter, Anne, from the court of Margaret regent of the Netherlands and sent her to join her sister at the French court.
November 1514
Catherine Stillbirth
Catherine of Aragon was delivered of a stillborn son.
5th November 1514
Mary crowned Queen of France
Mary Tudor was crowned Queen of France in the abbey of the church of St Denis.
31st December 1514
Louis XII Died
King Louis XII was taken ill early in December 1514 and died on 31st. It was rumoured that his young bride had worn him out. As soon as it became clear the French King was dying, Wolsey had written to Mary warning her not to commit herself to any other person without King Henry’s permission.


Published Mar 29, 2024 @ 3:46 pm – Updated – May 09 2024

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2024 – 2025). Henry VIII Chronology 1514 Available: http://www.tudornation.com/henry-viii-chronology-1514 Last accessed March 1st, 2025